Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Uniquely and Wonderfully Made

Uniquely and Wonderfully Made

Know your Body Type

As I started my journey to the Mrs. International Crown I was already living a healthy lifestyle.  I eat good food, really good food, and work out regularly. 

Once I was crowned Mrs. Georgia International, I received a lot of recommendations from different people regarding my fitness routine and what needed to be done to get my body in the best shape possible. I ultimately found myself struggling with "getting my body in shape".  Wasn't I already in shape??  My doctor has told me the past few years that I was in excellent health and shape and to "keep doing whatever it is I was doing."

I started second guessing myself and everything I was doing and started to think there was something wrong. I double checked my eating plan as well as my workout routines.    I had to eventually get real with myself, and as my trainer told me, I'm in "incredible" shape and I am doing everything right.  My muscles are in proportion to my body type. Which lead me to the question, what is my body type? 

Body types.... What are they?

Glad you asked :)

There are 3 different body types:

1.  Ectomorph - Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle (this would be me)
2.  Endomorph - Typically pear-shaped, with high tendency to store body fat.
3.  Mesomorph - Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells.

Okay, while we all do not have a mesomorph body type, we all have our own body type and understanding our own personal body type is the first step to understanding the work out routine and meal plan you need to be on.  If you are not sure, I encourage you to get a fitness trainer.  I use Mary Marsha-Riley, marymarsha@Hotmail.com, she is phenomenal!

God gave us our bodies.  The bible says in 1 Cor. 6:19:  "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in YOU.  1 Cor. 3:17 - "...for God's temple is sacred, and you together are that temple."  Additionnally, 1 Cor. 10:31 - "So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

We have the bodies/temples that God gave us. We as women, cannot compare body types, because we are all UNIQUELY AND WONDERFULLY MADE, no matter our body type, because our body types are God given. 

Love and appreciate yourself for who you are today.  You alone know your journey, and your journey is between you and God. 

Sharon McLaughlin
Mrs. Georgia International 2018
Ectomorph Extraordinaire

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