Heart Healthy Eating is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.
A few years ago I went to my annual check-up, expecting a good report unfortunately, my doctor called me back into her office and said I was borderline high cholesterol, as in one (1) number away from being diagnosed with high cholesterol (LDL). My doctor told me she was going to put me on medication to lower my cholesterol.
OK - NO!!!
I told my doctor - NO medication for me. She told me I had six months to get my number down or I was going on medication. Again, in my brain with the sound of a bomb going off, I was thinking NO!!
How could this be? I was and always have been thin, and healthy. My earlier blog about understanding your body types lists the 3 different body types. I have an ectomorph body type. I remember friends and family commenting that I could eat anything and never gain a pound. True EXCEPT, nobody can eat WHATEVER they want without having consequences. I was what some might call a "skinny fat". My body was thin, but my heart was, for lack of a better word, fat; the numbers proved it. I was still confused as to how I could have high LDL numbers. I worked out and I ate relatively healthy.
My husband and I went through our pantry, refrigerator and freezer, and threw just about everything away. The main culprit - FROZEN LOW CALORIE DINNERS. That's right, Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc..... Full of Cholesterol, that is how they get all of that processed food to taste good, they load it with cholesterol. I then realized I was slowly killing myself when all along I thought I was eating healthy.
Now, I eat fresh foods, avoid salt as much as possible. I do not cheat myself, if I want chocolate, as in a brownie or a Tate's Cookie, I eat it, only in moderation.
My husband and I have traveled all over the world and if you have been to Europe you know how good the food is. It is fresh, the farm to table concept. France, Italy, Germany etc., the food that is prepared is what is in season. GMO's are outlawed in Europe. Have you noticed the obesity rate in European countries is not to the level that it is in the United States? Something to think about.
Every year I went to my doctor, my LDL numbers decreased. My LDL is now 92!! My doctor told me, "I do not know what it is you are doing, but keep doing it, and by the way, what exactly is it that you are doing?" My doctor asked me what I was doing?? I told her I was eating a healthy balanced diet, avoiding GMO's, eating certified organic food, and I exercise more regularly. How empowering is it to prove your doctor that yes, I CAN make changes for a better lifestyle without taking medication.
I encourage everyone to eat healthy. The American Heart Association has an entire site dedicated to healthy recipes and videos.
Today's featured recipe is Green Chile Stew - Link below: