Friday, September 20, 2019



My husband and I have loved our second home on Lake Sinclair, and needless to say, we are in love with lake life โค

We bought our home last November and have completed a lot of exterior improvements.  We have a lot of steps that lead to our boat house, and when I mean a lot, I mean 75.  We had to have the support and a lot of the steps repaired and added banisters and railings.  What an improvement!




Our dogs safety is a priority and we made sure they had their own area to hang out while we run into Milledgeville or head out on the lake without them.  We had extra fencing from our main house and we brought it and it was a perfect fit for the area we had designated for them ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Of course we cannot be on the lake without a little fun right?  Our fur babies LOVE the boat and going out on the lake with us.  We bought them all life vests from Amazon and they have literally been perfect!  We love the handle on the top of the life vest which made it easier to help the dogs on and off the boat.  Another great feature is that they come in different sizes from XS - XL.  What we really love about this life vest is the snug Velcro wrap around the body.  It fits better, it's more secure and definitely more safe.  We bought another life vest that did not have the Velcro body wrap and it is not the same.  I highly recommend this life vest for a secure fit.

                Click the Amazon Link to get yours :)

               Gracie                                     Jack                                                           


Tuesday, September 17, 2019


As most of you know, my daughter and I own aMour Boutique.  We started this boutique in April.  We have a love of fashion and providing trendy clothes to girls of all ages. We have had so much fun going to mart and picking out clothes, doing live sells and having photo shoots with models.  

This past weekend we had our first pop-up shop at the Georgia Elementary, Jr. High, High School, and Collegiate Pageant.  aMour Boutique is thrilled to be a state and national sponsor for this organization.  

We are so excited to share with everyone that we had our first pop-up shop this past weekend.  aMour Boutique is a Georgia sponsor, as well as a national sponsor, for the Elementary, Jr. High, High School, Collegiate Pageant.

The Georgia State pageant was held this past weekend at the Henry County Performing Arts Center.  Over 100 girls and their parents, siblings, friends and family all came to participate and cheer for their favorite contestant. 
I cannot tell you how blessed we were to be able to not only sponsor the queens but set up shop and sell clothes.  We didn't bring the entire shop, but we took quite a bit and had a big and rich time meeting and talking with everyone.  We saw friends we haven't seen in a while and met new ones as well.
aMour Boutique
It was such a thrill to have customers, young and old, ask my opinion about styling outfits and getting feedback about how much they loved our clothes and the brands we carry.  The customers complimented us on the quality of the products.  
When we go to mart we touch and feel the fabric and talk to each vendor about the factories that make the products.  We research in depth about what the latest trends are and what fits our brand that we offer to our customers.  It is very important for us to know that we are offfering quality products and to hear more than one customer compliment our products was very humbling and affirmed we are on the right track.  
I need to share this one customer who made my heart leap for joy.  She was one of the last customers of the day, a young girl about 14 or 15, she was with her mother.  She liked our This Is Me Mid-Rise Distressed Jeans and asked if she could try on a pair.  When she came back her face was beaming.  She said this was the first pair of jeans that fit her perfect!  She loved the jeans, she was happy, mom was happy, and we were happy.  That's what this is about for us.  We added confidence, love and inspiration to this girl by design, with a single pair of jeans.  

We had such a successful day in sales.  We had girls buying bralettes, dresses, and our pullover popcorn sweaters were a HUGE hit! We sold out of every sweater we took.  Our children's clothes, sizes 7-14, well those were a big hit as well.  What was funny was the older girls were trying on the younger girl clothes because they loved the quality and style of the young girls clothes.  

It makes us feel so good to know we can put a smile on someone's face or make them feel good by providing them with clothes they will love and wear many times over.  
We weren't able to get pictures of everyone, but here are a few of the happy faces we were able to capture.  They are forever our aMour family.
We are adding inventory every week.  Please let us know what you would like to see and shop 'til you drop.