Thursday, April 26, 2018

Go Red For Women - Meeting Wendy

Go Red For Women - Atlanta


I truly believe that God opens doors and has us in the right place at the right time.  Within days of being crowned Mrs. Georgia International 2018, I volunteered for the Go Red For Women Atlanta Luncheon.  As Mrs. Walton County International I had already volunteered at different Go Red for Women events twice volunteering at the Tribute Wall.  To me this event was no different than any of the other Go Red For Women Events.

At this event everything was as normal as one could expect, I am encouraging people to sign the tribute wall, and then, I meet Wendy.  I see a short blonde haired lady and ask her if she would like to sign the tribute wall.  Slowly and with a slight slur, she says yes.  She asked if she could sign her name, I told her absolutely and showed her where I signed my name.  She took the sharpie and placed it in her left hand.  She told me she writes slow.  When she finished signing her name on the tribute wall she looked at me and said her name was small and scribbly.  She told me she has lost some functionality on her left side.  I looked at her name on the tribute wall, it was as she said, small and scribbly.  I looked at her right in her eyes and told her she wrote her name PERFECT.  I looked at her and told her she was beautiful and I LOVED her name.  Wendy broke down and cried.  I held her in my arms and realized her pain was much deeper than being a survivor.  Her confidence in herself had also diminished.  For someone to tell her she was beautiful meant the world to her.  I did the only thing I knew to do, I held her and I prayed for her.  I asked God to reassure her of how beautiful she is and to comfort her and love her with a love she cannot hold.  I looked at her again and told Wendy she is beautiful and she is strong, and all women are strong and can get through anything.  She laughed and said, "that's right". 

As women we tend to measure our beauty by how we look on the outside.  I also feel our beauty is found in our strength to persevere through whatever life challenges are thrown at us.  Our beauty is how we deal with the challenges.  Wendy could have stayed home that day, she was alone, but she chose to come, sign her name, and allow herself to be vulnerable.  Wendy is my example of what true beauty looks like.  She is amazing and I absolutely fell in love with her. 

I am forever grateful to my Father who allowed me to be exactly where I was so I could have a few minutes with Wendy that holds a memory to last a lifetime.