Healthy Heart Healthy Life
January 31, 2018|Sharon McLaughlin
They say you can tell a book by it's cover....Not so true in my case.
I have always maintained a healthy weight, and lived, what I thought was a healthy lifestyle, no serious illnesses, received good check-ups from the doctor, based upon appearances I looked healthy.
A few years ago I went to the doctor for my annual physical and received news that literally had my head spinning. My doctor said I had borderline high cholesterol, you know the LDL bad stuff that clogs your arteries. She told me that if my numbers did not come down in 6 weeks I will be placed on meds. Me, taking meds for health reasons? I spoke with my family and learned that high cholesterol is inherited, and was told, "accept it and welcome to the club."
If anyone knows me they know that I am a Champion, a Warrior, an Overcomer. I researched and realized that all these "healthy" frozen lean cuisine and weight watcher meals I was ingesting into my body was slowly killing me. Yes, these meals are low in calories, and yes they taste good. Ever wonder why? They are loaded with CHOLESTEROL, to make the food taste better.
It took all of 5 minutes, my pantry, freezer, and refrigerator were cleaned of all foods high in cholesterol, and replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables, non-gmo and certified organic foods, you know REAL food. I got on a regular work out routine. My LDL cholesterol lowered by more than 40 points.
My doctor said she didn't know what I was doing, but to keep doing it.
Lesson: Just because you maintain a healthy weight and appear to be healthy, doesn't mean you are healthy. I was what you might call a "skinny fat". My outside looked good, but my heart was fat.